I once got a call from a company, where I had applied quite some time ago. At that time, I was unaware that the employer might also interview on the telephone, and I took the call lightly. Fortunately, I was able to impress the interviewee, but I could have done better if I had known earlier. Many employers do telephone interviews to screen the best candidates. It is also done when it is not possible to invite an out-of-area candidate to the office. Telephone interviews can be quite challenging as you cannot see the interviewer’s non-verbal reactions and cues. On the other hand, the interviewer cannot see your expressions or professional appearance as well. Thus basically, the criteria for the interviewee to decide would be your phone manners, clarity of speech, voice tone, and the content of your answers. Here Are Some Tips For Making Sure That Your Telephone Interview Goes Fine: Give the interview on the phone in the same way as you would give face-to-face. Choose a quiet, priva...
Two emotions could be in your heart while giving an interview. One is the feel of enthusiasm, especially when you are giving an interview for your desired position. Second is the feeling of fear, especially when the CEO or hiring managers are two high. The interview is all about two parties. It is not a one men show. These two parties include employer and employee. There Are Three Crucial Steps In An Interview To Get The Job In Jaipur : Step 1: Invitation: If the employer your resume and qualification attractive, then he/she will call for an interview. To attract your employer to be called for an interview makes an attractive resume because your resume would be the first that would meet your employer before you. So make your resume relevant and exact to be called for an interview by your employer. Step 2: Meeting: After passing through the first step, the time has come to be ready for a defining meeting with your employer. Try to be an impressive person because this meeting is bas...